The JKM Library dropbox and pickup table are at 5416 S. Cornell, 4th floor (LSTC) next to the elevator.
All JKM and I-Share materials can be picked up and returned when the building is open.
Books are delivered every Monday and Wednesday during the academic semester.
Questions? Contact library staff at
All that you need to know about accessing the University of Chicago Libraries and the services it offers users currently affiliated with LSTC or McCormick can be found here.
The JKM Library currently houses around 34,000 books in controlled storage in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, accessible by request to the McCormick Theological Seminary and Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago communities, and beyond them to the other ACTS seminaries in Chicago, the I-Share network of academic libraries, and the larger network of inter-library loan participants throughout the state of Illinois using the ILDS and RAILS systems. While we cannot ship books out of state, we do offer scanning services for our physical collections to libraries all over the world through OCLC WorldShare. We also offer our local patrons access to resources from all of those networks, over 600,000 electronic books and a wide range of database resources to support their curricular and research needs, and many other library services!