Requesting a Book (or other Item)

To request a book from JKM or another I-Share library:

Access to all JKM Library resources, physical or electronic, is enabled using OpenAthens, our single-sign-on platform. This is the online equivalent of your library card

Since May 2023, the JKM Library's books are only accessible by request, and delivered to LSTC, or through ILDS to any other I-Share library.

If you want a physical or electronic book, you can search for it using Primo, our online catalog.

Primo defaults to searching the "Library Catalog" only, which will show you materials held by JKM. This is fine if what you want is one of our ebooks, or a physical book you know we have.

However, limiting your search to JKM may not get you everything you need! Your best bet is to search "All I-Share Libraries," which will show you books from JKM and from nearly 100 other academic and research libraries throughout Illinois.

When you find the book you want, log in using OpenAthens, and you can place a request for it. Under "Get It," you will see what libraries have copies of the book in question.

  • If JKM has a copy available, you will see a "Request" link, and you will be able to request our copy.
  • If other libraries have a copy, you will see an "I-Share" link, and if one of their copies is available, you will be able to request it. (You may have to specify which volume of a multi-volume work.)

Either way, once retrieved from our stacks or delivered to us from another library, you will get an email, and your requested book will be checked out to you, wrapped with your name on it, and placed on the holds table by the elevators at LSTC, on the 4th floor of the shared campus building at 5416 S. Cornell Ave.

If you can't find the book you want, please let us know at We try to acquire everything we can in electronic form for courses taught at both seminaries. Please let us know if there is anything on a syllabus that we may have missed, or not been informed of. You are also welcome to suggest other ebooks we might purchase.


To request a book from the University of Chicago Libraries:

Access to University library resources, physical or electronic, is enabled using their CNetID system. (With a state ID, you can also get a "Campus Card" from the ID and Privileges Office in the front of the Regenstein Library, and browse their stacks.)

If you want to request a book from the University of Chicago Libraries, start by searching their online catalog.

When you find what you're looking for, click on the title, and then scroll down the item page to find the copy you want. Click "Request for Pickup," or "Request from Storage" if the item is in offsite storage, then log in using your CNetID, and select the library you want to pick up from. We recommend selecting Regenstein, as it is not a restricted-access building, and is the primary University library for McCormick and LSTC patrons.

Read more about your privileges at the University of Chicago Libraries here.

And if you haven't yet, contact your seminary's IT department (McCormick, LSTC) for the information necessary to claim your CNetID and set up your library account with them. (You will also be setting up email forwarding, and 2-factor authentication using the Duo Mobile app.)


To request a book that cannot be found in I-Share or at the University Libraries:

This has become a very rare occasion, especially with access to the millions of books in the University Libraries, but it can still happen.

Contact us at with as much information as you can about the book you want. If we can't find it in the other systems we have access to, we will investigate the options for obtaining the book you need through OCLC WorldShare, which gives us access to libraries across the United States and all over the world.

Be aware, however, that there may be costs associated, if it is even possible.